Marianne: creating a US Department of Peace

Dear Black Independent,
To ever have a peaceful world, we need to proactively and diligently wage peace.
Health is not the absence of sickness; sickness is the absence of health. And peace is not the absence of war; war is the absence of peace.
Join with me in creating a US Department of Peace, to establish a Peace Academy as well as a Military Academy, and begin the process of waging peace. We need to lift the peacebuilders to equal power with the military, in an integrative, holistic effort to heal the human race of its increasingly dangerous addiction to war.
We need a political equivalent to the health and wellness movement, a humanitarian complement to the military the way preventative medicine is a complement to allopathic doctors.
In order for this to occur, we need to do a whole lot more than “elevate the conversation.” We need to make it real. We need a president who will make it happen.
This is an effort of great historical significance, and we have a very limited window in which to make it happen.
DonateVolunteer. Talk to your friends. Make your own testimonial. Create the buzz.
I’m out there on the campaign trail right now. It's amazing. We can do this.
With love,

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