Elizabeth: Hi team, meet my boss Mindy

Hi team, meet my boss Mindy.

(Yes, even United States Senators have bosses.)

Back in 2011, I had never run for office before -- not even student council. And a popular, handsome Republican with $10 million in the bank held the Senate seat I was considering running for in Massachusetts.

I needed help -- so I asked around, and everyone told me that I needed to talk to Mindy Myers. Mindy is from Pennsylvania -- her dad was a bus driver and her mom worked at Sears (like my mom!) -- and she's also one of the very best Democratic campaign managers in the country.

I convinced Mindy to move to Boston, run my campaign, and teach a first-time candidate how to fight and win. Mitch McConnell and the Republicans may try to keep me quiet, but I won’t stop speaking out and fighting back. And a big part of the reason for that? Mindy.

I’m introducing you to Mindy Myers because I have terrific news: She’s agreed to become the Executive Director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee to help all of our 2018 Senate Democrats fight and win.

Let’s give Mindy and our Senate Democrats the best possible start to fight for a Democratic Senate and stand up to Donald Trump in 2018. Donate now to the DSCC.

I’m not going to sugar coat it: 2018 is going to be a tough election for us. Democrats are defending 25 Senate seats in the midterm elections -- 10 of which are in states that Donald Trump won in 2016. Republicans have to defend only eight total -- and only one in a state that voted for Hillary Clinton.

The Republicans have money and power -- and a 2016 playbook full of nasty attacks that they'll use again to deepen their control of the Senate in 2018.

That’s why I’m happy that Mindy’s taking the helm of the DSCC. She's smart and steady -- and she knows what it's like to take on tough fights and stand up to the powerful interests. My campaign wasn't just some fluke.

In 2006, Mindy helped our friend and climate champion Sheldon Whitehouse beat Republican Lincoln Chafee. In 2008, she led then-Senator Barack Obama’s win in New Hampshire in the general election. And in 2010, she helped Dick Blumenthal beat WWE wrestling mogul Linda McMahon despite being outspent by $42 million. You read that correctly: her candidate was outspent by $42 million, and she still won! And now she’s going to help Senator Chris Van Hollen as he heads up the DSCC in this all-important midterm election.

But I also know this: Mindy doesn’t win tough fights like this alone. And as hard as we fight, neither can our Democratic Senators. It’s going to take millions of people all across this country to fight back against Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, the billionaire Koch brothers, and all the powerful interests. Grassroots is how we won in 2012, and grassroots is how we’ll win in 2018.

The DSCC is fighting hard to protect Senate Democrats and take back the majority -- but they need your help. Please donate now -- whatever you can afford -- to give Mindy and our Senate Democrats a fighting chance in 2018.

Thanks for being a part of this,


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