Sherrod Brown: Let's get Vawa back on the books

Dear Robert L.,
Protecting victims of domestic violence. Helping law enforcement prosecute offenders. Making sure that survivors have a safe place to go.

Sounds like something that should enjoy bipartisan support, right? Well, it was -- until last year.

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was supported by Democrats and Republicans for nearly two decades. And then, last year, right-wing Republicans in the House blocked its reauthorization.

VAWA is back before Congress this week. Help me and a few of my colleagues turn up the pressure to get it passed. Tell Congress to pass VAWA NOW.

Because last year's reauthorization expanded the life-saving provisions of VAWA to cover even more women and children, the far right decided it was no longer worthy of their support.

Never mind the simple truth that VAWA helps save lives. In 2011, there were more than 38,000 reported cases of domestic violence in Ohio alone. VAWA gave those victims and their families somewhere to turn.

This isn't about partisan politics, this is about Ohio's women, children, and families. Let's show the right-wingers in Congress exactly where our grassroots network stands. Add your name to support VAWA today.

The Violence Against Women Act has been a vital tool in reducing domestic violence in America for the past 18 years.

Let's get it back on the books. Add your name right now.

Thank you.


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