Kirsten Gillibrand: 19,000 military women are sexually assaulted each year

Robert L.,
All American women should have the same right to make decisions about their family and their reproductive health.
But they don’t.
The 400,000 women in the armed forces are being unfairly denied coverage for abortions, even in the case of rape and incest. Considering that 19,000 military women are sexually assaulted each year, this situation is tragic and unjust.
The Shaheen Amendment, named for my colleague, will ensure the courageous women fighting for our country are given access to reproductive health care through an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act.
I need you to join Senator Shaheen, Senator Boxer, EMILY's List, and me in calling on the Senate to protect the rights of our brave servicewomen by keeping this amendment in the bill. The vote could happen this week, so we can’t delay.
Women in the military deserve our respect and gratitude. They also deserve the same rights and the same access to health care afforded to American women here at home. Right now, they aren’t getting it. That’s why it’s so important you join this cause and speak out about this terrible wrong.
Every day, our military women stand up for our rights and freedoms. I hope you’ll join with us in standing up for theirs.
Thanks so much for your help,

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