Tom Harkin: let President Obama know that we will stand behind him to fight for the best deal

Dear robert l., 

The American public made it clear: Their top priorities are good jobs and a demand-driven, full recovery from the worst economic crisis to hit the country since the Great Depression. 

With the so-called "fiscal cliff" looming, we have to ensure that any grand bargain rejects damaging cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid beneficiaries. It must ensure that the most affluent among us pay their fair share and reduce income inequality. It must put Americans back to work and shore up the middle class.

And we must be prepared to accept no deal at all in the short term to get the best deal in the long term.

Now we need your voice to help keep the pressure on as negotiations begin. I, along with like-minded senators, communicated last month to Leader Reid and President Obama to urge that any deal on the so-called cliff reflects these core principles.

Will you join us by adding your name to my petition at -- before we deliver it later this month -- and urge President Obama to reject any deal that doesn't do right by the middle class?

The principles that drove President Obama's outstanding victory last month are the same principles I believe should be included in the bargains currently being discussed. It's our job to protect and promote, not harm, our real job creators -- the middle class and those striving to join it.

Here is how I propose we do it: 
  1. Reject damaging cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid beneficiaries to stand by the middle class and protect critical lifelines for working families. 
  2. Allow tax breaks for the wealthiest two percent to expire and close loopholes benefiting only the wealthy and corporations. The economy grows best from the middle out, not the top down. 
  3. Invest in short term spending to spur job creation and get people back to work. 
  4. Ensure a 1-to-1 ratio of revenues to cuts to ensure a balanced approach to fixing the deficit.
I understand the need to get this done for the American people. But no deal in the short term is better than a bad deal that hurts working families and slows our economic recovery.

I need your help to share that message and strengthen President Obama's hand without tying his hands.

Will you sign my petition at to urge President Obama to stay strong on the fiscal cliff?

Our resounding win at the polls means that we can negotiate balanced and responsible long-term fiscal deficit reduction, while still prioritizing the needs of the middle class and the vulnerable. But I need your voice to help keep those priorities front and center.

Thank you for speaking out and letting President Obama know that we will stand behind him to fight for the best deal -- not the quickest. 

Tom Harkin
U.S. Senator 

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