Russ Feingold: Now we must unite again -- the stakes are higher than ever.

Will your senator cut Medicare? Call now.
These lame duck negotiations are a dangerous minefield for progressives.
Senate Democrats' commitment to letting the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy expire seems to be strengthening -- thanks to the work over 53,000 of your fellow progressives did to pressure wavering members of Congress.
But rumors are swirling in D.C. that Republicans might be willing to deal on tax rates for the wealthy -- if Democrats agree to benefit cuts from Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
That isn't a compromise; It's a complete surrender of the middle class. We need to act now to stop any deal that cuts these crucial benefits.
The first step is finding out where each senator stands. So members of Progressives United are joining with our friends at and other progressive partners to get senators on the record: Will they stand against cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security benefits?
Republicans and their corporate special interest allies are preparing to make a furious push to cut those benefits. Not only are they an absolutely essential protection for working families, but cutting those benefits is precisely the wrong approach to addressing our long-term debt problem in a sustainable way.
If we don't make a push for our values, Democrats may think they have no choice but to back a bad deal that will hurt families, and do nothing to solve our debt problem.
That's why we're calling senators to get them on the record. It's a big project.
But by acting together, we have the power to prevent a devastating deal. Even if both of your senators are Republican, your voice can add needed pressure. Will you join the effort?
We have successfully stopped members of Congress from capitulating on key progressive issues like this before. Now we must unite again -- the stakes are higher than ever.
Thank you for uniting as a progressive,
Russ Feingold
Progressives United

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