Debbie Wasserman Schultz: I sure came out of the debate last night fired up

Robert --

Anyone who watched last night's debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney saw just how stark a choice the American people face in this election -- and that President Obama is the right choice to keep moving this country forward.

On one hand, you have Mitt Romney, who offered absolutely no specifics for how he'll achieve any of the promises he made during the debate. His arguments are based on myths and bad math.

And on our side, you have President Obama, who has not only shown that he knows how to get our economy back on track, but has offered real and concrete steps to continue to build the middle class, create jobs, and foster the growth of small business.

This is the kind of leadership our country needs -- and it's up to us to make sure he wins on Election Day and has a Congress he can work with.

Donate $5 or more today to make sure President Obama and Democrats across the country have the resources they need to win.

I don't know about you, but I sure came out of the debate last night fired up and ready to do everything I can to make sure that President Obama wins on Election Day.

Because, really, our country can't afford a president like Mitt Romney, who refuses to actually tell the American people the specifics of his plans -- let alone a Congress full of right-wing Republicans who want to repeal Obamacare, take away a woman's right to choose, and let Wall Street go back to writing its own rules.

Stand with Democrats today -- chip in $5 or more:



Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Democratic National Committee

P.S. -- Your donation will do more today than tomorrow or any day after. The election is in just 33 days. Please donate now.

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