Kirsten Gillibrand: Kathy has proven she’s not afraid
Robert L.,
When John Boehner announces he’s coming to western New York for a fundraising breakfast this weekend, we need to take notice.
Boehner has made Tea Party extremist Chris Collins’ race against Rep. Kathy Hochul a top priority. Now he’s taking a page out of Karl Rove’s playbook and opening a so-called GOP “Victory Center” to turn out their right-wing base.
This is serious. Polls show this race absolutely deadlocked – and far-right groups have bought more than $775,000 in TV airtime to attack Kathy. If we want to take back the House, we must make sure Kathy wins.
I’ve set a goal of raising $30,000 this week to help give Kathy the resources to win her tough new district. Are you with me?
Click here to donate directly to Kathy – with less than a month before Election Day, she’ll be counting on us to help her fight Tea Party attacks and turn out her voters.
This is a DCCC Frontline race for a reason. Kathy has proven she’s not afraid to stand up to Boehner and Paul Ryan and fight for middle-class families, while multimillionaire Collins says the draconian Ryan budget didn’t go far enough.
I can’t lose a spirited partner like Kathy. So I’m doing everything I can to make sure she beats the Tea Party and returns to the House to fight for all of us. I hope you’ll join me – and donate to Kathy Hochul today.
Kirsten Gillibrand

When John Boehner announces he’s coming to western New York for a fundraising breakfast this weekend, we need to take notice.
Boehner has made Tea Party extremist Chris Collins’ race against Rep. Kathy Hochul a top priority. Now he’s taking a page out of Karl Rove’s playbook and opening a so-called GOP “Victory Center” to turn out their right-wing base.
This is serious. Polls show this race absolutely deadlocked – and far-right groups have bought more than $775,000 in TV airtime to attack Kathy. If we want to take back the House, we must make sure Kathy wins.
I’ve set a goal of raising $30,000 this week to help give Kathy the resources to win her tough new district. Are you with me?
Click here to donate directly to Kathy – with less than a month before Election Day, she’ll be counting on us to help her fight Tea Party attacks and turn out her voters.
This is a DCCC Frontline race for a reason. Kathy has proven she’s not afraid to stand up to Boehner and Paul Ryan and fight for middle-class families, while multimillionaire Collins says the draconian Ryan budget didn’t go far enough.
I can’t lose a spirited partner like Kathy. So I’m doing everything I can to make sure she beats the Tea Party and returns to the House to fight for all of us. I hope you’ll join me – and donate to Kathy Hochul today.
Kirsten Gillibrand