Lily ledbetter: we need to keep fighting for the people

Hi Gilyard,

When Claire McCaskill co-sponsored an Equal Pay For Equal Work bill with my name on it, it felt like a huge victory in my years-long fight for fairness. I was so happy that bill passed.Join Lilly Ledbetter and Support Claire | Fundraising Goal: $600,000 more by Tomorrow. DONATE NOW.
But do you know who opposed fairness? Congressman Todd Akin — when he voted no on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

In fact, just two days ago he was asked "Why do you think it is okay for a woman to be paid less for doing the same work as a man?" His response: "I don't think the government should be telling people what you pay and what you don't pay."

We can't let this man have a vote in the Senate — make a $5 donation to Claire's campaign and help her hit their $600,000 fundraising goal before it's too late.

The choice between Claire and Todd Akin is about as cut and dry as it gets. Even setting aside Akin's reprehensible and ignorant comments on reproductive rights last month — and I'm not sure who can — Claire is still the one fighting to make our tax code fair for the middle class, take unfair subsidies away from Big Oil, and give women fair access to health care.

But even with a choice that seems so clear to me, the latest polling in Missouri shows Akin neck-and-neck with Claire. Will you join with me and help Claire's campaign before the end-of-the-quarter deadline?

Please make a $5 donation to Claire's campaign before tomorrow's midnight fundraising deadline:

Especially as a woman, you would really have to be out-of-the-mainstream to vote for Todd Akin.

Akin wants to ban emergency birth control, even in cases of rape or incest; supports an amendment that would make many forms of birth control — including the pill — illegal; and doesn't believe that women should get paid equally for equal work.

And there are so many unfair things Akin wants to do that would hurt Missouri families — like handing Social Security over to Wall Street and privatizing Medicare.

Let's make sure that Claire can show Missouri voters the strength of her support on her upcoming financial report — and has the resources to inform everyone about the drastic differences between her and Todd Akin.

Make a $5 donation to Claire's campaign right now, and make sure she reaches her $600,000 online goal before tomorrow's midnight deadline:

The United States is a much better place now than it was when I retired from my job at Goodyear, making significantly less money than male coworkers with less experience and less seniority than I had. Part of that thanks goes to Claire.

But we need to keep fighting for the people working to protect us. I know that if we band together, we can make sure that Claire is victorious in November.

Thank you,
Lilly Ledbetter

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