Bill Clinton: We cant take anything for granted

Robert --

They want to cut taxes for high-income Americans while the middle class shoulders the burden.

They want to let Wall Street write its own rules again, and remove the financial regulations President Obama has put in place to prevent another crash.

They want to cut the budget in a radical way, decimating programs that help the middle class, poor children, seniors, and those in science and technology that will create the good jobs of the future.

They want to turn Medicare into a risky voucher program that could actually raise costs for seniors by as much as $6,400 per year.

This week, both campaigns -- Mitt Romney's and President Obama's -- face the biggest fundraising deadline yet.

If we want President Obama in that White House for another four years, we can't take anything for granted, especially critical moments like this.

Donate $5 or more today, and let's bring this home for President Obama and Democrats across the country:


Bill Clinton

P.S. -- Your donation will go further now than it will next week. That's because it will immediately be put to use -- if your $5 (for example) goes toward hiring an organizer in Akron, Ohio, she'll have more time to do her job and reach more voters. And that's how elections are won.

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