Kirsten Gillibrand: A Historic opportunity

Dear Robert L.,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your generosity.

We have a historic opportunity this year to elect a record number of women to Congress, which is why I've been asking for your help in raising money for some of the women I'm most passionate about. And you've come through beyond all our expectations.

You and I both know that if Congress were 51% women, we wouldn't be debating access to birth control. Instead, we'd be debating jobs, the economy, national security and all the issues most important to Americans.

That's why it's so important this year for women to get off the sidelines and become engaged in the political process, whether it's by voting in November or running for office themselves. I spoke about the importance of electing more women to office in this video. I hope you'll take a look.

In 2012, I believe we're going to take an important step toward increasing the number of women in Congress. By contributing to these extraordinary women candidates, you've made a huge contribution to that effort.

So, thank you!



P.S. I also wanted to thank you for your continued support of my campaign. With just 58 days to go until election day, we'll need significant resources to get our message out. Can you contribute just $5 today?

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