Larry: 200,000 to support the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

Our Revolution

Robert -
Once President-elect Trump takes office, we need to be ready to defend our progressive victories and respond to Republican attempts to jeopardize health care for millions of Americans, undo our progress on addressing climate change, and give tax breaks to the wealthy at the expense of working families.
What Bernie proved during his presidential campaign is when millions of people come together, we can accomplish things that no one ever thought possible. We have a lot of tough fights ahead of us, but we can win those fights if we do it together.
Your small-dollar donations and dedication to the progressive values we share is what makes our work possible. You have been and continue to be the greatest strength of our organization and this movement.
Our Revolution remains committed to empowering you to continue making progress in your community, and we've been working hard to develop comprehensive state-based organizing plans which take into account tens of thousands of survey responses.
Together we have already accomplished incredible feats, from stopping construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline to putting the nail in the coffin of the TPP. But we need your help now more than ever as we prepare for the release of the nationwide Our Revolution local organizing plans.
Since launching Our Revolution, we've shown what is possible when we come together to advance racial, social, economic and environmental justice.
Last month, our political revolution defeated the Trans-Pacific Partnership.This was a central issue during Bernie's presidential campaign, and our movement kept up the pressure until it was clear that this horrible trade deal would not come up for a vote during the lame duck session.
During the Democratic National Convention, more than 2,000 of us demonstrated in Philadelphia to show opposition to the TPP. And together we made more than 50,000 calls into Congress and sent 100,000 text messages to stop the TPP.
Earlier this month, we won a major victory in North Dakota when the government halted construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Native American activists and their allies joined together to stop this disastrous pipeline from contaminating tribal lands and water.
Thanks to your support, Our Revolution raised more than $200,000 to support the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and collected nearly 250,000 petition signatures to oppose construction of the pipeline.
That is the political revolution — when we stand together, we win.
Thank you for everything you've done, and will do, for our movement.
In solidarity,
Larry Cohen
Board Chair
Our Revolution

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