Jessica will be a voice in Congress


Justice Democrats

Black Independent Party,

Jessica Cisneros’ campaign is already making headlines, but tomorrow, a lot of folks are going to be talking about how much money she was able to raise on day one.

Jessica will be a voice in Congress to fix the inhumane carceral immigration system, fight for Medicare for All, and bring good-paying union jobs to South Texas. But unseating Henry Cuellar, who is backed by the Koch brothers and other Republican donors, will be no easy task.

Will you be a Day One Donor and chip in $3 to Jessica’s campaign? We need to prove to the establishment that we have the momentum needed to unseat Cuellar and grow the progressive coalition in Congress.

Be a Day One Donor

Unlike Rep. Cuellar, Jessica won’t accept a dime of corporate PAC money because she knows that Texans need a Congressperson to serve the interests of the community, not corporations. As a conservative Democrat, Cuellar voted against worker protections and even helped further Trump’s agenda in Congress.

Alexandria, Cori, Jamaal, and Marie all defeated out-of-touch Democratic incumbents because of small-dollar donations from people like yourself. With your help, we’ll elect Jessica to join them in Congress.

Can we count on you to go on the record as a Day One Donor of Jessica’s campaign and make a contribution? Today most people have given $10, but any amount you can chip in will make a difference.

Your support on day one makes a critical impact, especially since Rep. Cuellar has already said that this race will be a fight. We need to make sure that Jessica’s race has all the resources it needs to start organizing right now.

In solidarity,

Justice Democrats

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CAN: bring a conservative voice, a fighting spirit and a soldier's resolve to Congress,