Rand: Obama's entire philosophy of law is up for debate

Dear Patriot,
President Obama thinks he can propose a new nominee to the Supreme Court and force through in his last few months in office. But let’s face it. This is a a HUGE conflict of interest. 
Maybe the biggest of his presidency. 
Many of the president’s own executive actions on immigration, climate change, and Obamacare, are under review by the Supreme Court right now.
He has every motivation to nominate a sympathetic judge. But just because the president gets to nominate, doesn't mean the Senate must confirm. 
And let me tell you, I am not simply going to let him have his way without a heck of a fight. I’m going to do everything I can to make sure the Senate does what is necessary to uphold the Constitution.
Patriot, President Obama thinks he should have the power to create immigration law out nothing.
He thinks he has the power to basically cripple entire industries like coal without ever having been given that power by Congress.
It’s a complete Constitutional debate on whose powers it is to legislate right now.
Is it the president or Congress?
Obama's entire philosophy of law is up for debate and it will be decided where? At the Supreme Court.
And we know EXACTLY how he will want his nominee to rule. It's easy to see why he's so eager to fill the seat before Americans have their say in November.
The president needs a sympathetic character. He needs a nominee who supports the notion that the executive branch should be more powerful than the legislative -- that the president is the ultimate authority and that Congress, the voice of the people, doesn’t matter at all.
I will not let this happen.
I’m not going to take it lying down and let the president have his way.

In Liberty,
Rand Paul 

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