Katy: Don’t let President Obama off the hook

Friend -
We have heard this story a million times - corporations simply are not paying their fair share in taxes. Right now Pfizer is trying to take advantage of a loophole allowing them to dodge their $35 billion responsibility to the American people.
We have a unique opportunity to demand a response from the administration if our petition on the White House website reaches 100,000 signers by March 26th.
Don’t let President Obama off the hook - he should still stand up for all Americans during the last year of his presidency.Click here to urge President Obama take action. Then when you sign the petition, you will get a confirmation email from the White House. Please be sure to click through that email to verify your email address. 
Thank you for all you do,
Sarah Chaisson Warner

Dear Robert,
The deck is stacked against average Americans. Corporations are not paying their fair share in taxes, spending billions of dollars on lobbyists to get more breaks, and continuing to rake in record profits at our expense.
Pfizer, maker of Celebrex, Lipitor, and Viagra is the epitome of this problem.
Pfizer is attempting to permanently dodge an estimated $35 billion in U.S. taxes it currently owes by merging with Allergan, a drug firm based in the tax haven of Ireland, according to a new report from Americans for Tax Fairness.
In addition to dodging its fair share of taxes, Pfizer has also been aggressively raising prescription drug prices, thereby straining patients and our health care system, and in some cases putting needed medications out of reach. Pfizer has routinely hiked the prices of dozens of prescription drugs at 10 times or more the rate of inflation each year since 2012.
While Americans suffer from lost tax revenue and high drug prices, Pfizer thrives, showing profit margins of nearly 18% over the last five years.
President Obama has the power to stop corporate deserters like Pfizer. He can direct his Treasury Department to close the loophole that Pfizer and an increasing number of multinational corporations are using to change their legal address to a tax haven and dodge paying the taxes they owe. Click here to urge President Obama to take action.
We are joining with allies to launch this petition on the White House website. IMPORTANT: when you sign this petition, you will get a confirmation email from the White House. Please be sure to click through that email to verify your email address. If we get to 100,000 signatures in 30 days we are guaranteed to get a response, so sign today!
Thank you for everything you do,
Katy Griffith Boswell

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