Kirsten: Opponents call it the DARK Act,

Robert –
As a mother of two growing boys, I want to know what’s in the food my family eats. (Those cookies have how muchsugar? Maybe just one, then!)
That’s why I’m so alarmed about the bill coming to vote in the Senate today. Opponents call it the DARK Act, and it would ban states from requiring labeling on genetically modified foods, keeping consumers from knowing whether the food they’re buying contains GMOs.
We should be making it easier for consumers to understand what food they’re serving their families, not harder. I’m joining with my colleagues to call on the Senate to reject the DARK Act and stand up for GMO labeling, but I need your voice with mine. Will you sign the petition?
Tell Congress: Label GMO food. Add your name.
This shouldn’t be controversial: 64 other countries require GMO labeling, and the overwhelming majority of Americans support it. In fact, some states have already taken steps toward requiring GMO labeling, but this bill would stop those grassroots efforts in their tracks.
I’m fighting for transparency, and I’m hoping I can count on you to have my back. Will you join me in demanding Congress support GMO labeling?
Thanks for standing with me on this.

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