Donna: enough money to take care of Americans in need.

Donna Edwards for Senate
Yesterday, I walked up to the White House with progressive leaders from Social Security Works, Democracy for America, MoveOn, PCCC, and other grassroots organizations and delivered over 2.5 million signatures urging President Obama to champion Social Security expansion.
I firmly believe we must not only ensure the safety net for every person in this country, but also that we need to adjust those payments so they reflect the real cost of living.
Photo: Donna delivering the petitions to the White House.
It’s time for politicians in Washington to stop thinking small.
The days of Democrats negotiating amongst themselves to cave into Republican demands are done.
There should be no ifs, buts, or willing to considers, ever.
And that applies to every issue we talk about in Washington -- gun violence, the social safety net, climate change -- Democrats need to think big. We as progressives know our ideas have overwhelming public support -- but we need more politicians in Washington speaking up to support them.
Democrats for too long have let Republican fear mongering and lies convince them that our big ideas aren’t possible.
Join in me telling Congress:
“If you have enough money for big oil subsidies, Wall Street bailouts, and corporate tax breaks -- you have enough money to take care of Americans in need.”
I can’t wait to take this fight with you to the Senate,

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