Scott: Here is my record

Scott Walker for America

gangsta rap,

I am running for President of the United States and right from the start, I would like you involved.

You are the one who will make an immediate impact. Here is your invitation ... your opportunity to make a critical difference from Day One. Join our team, gangsta rap!

Your online contribution of $10, $35, $50, $100, $175, $250, or even $500 will make a big difference.

Our nation doesn't want -- and can't afford -- four more years ... or eight more years ... of the same old stale liberal ideas from another D.C. Insider ... the same policies that have inflicted untold damage on our country.

Here is my record: For four years, our Administration has brought bold, sweeping conservative change to Wisconsin and by nearly every measure, things are better than ever. Whether it is our economy, job creation, business start-ups, tax and regulatory relief, or school performance, we are living proof that conservatism works every time.

Join our presidential race and our conservative movement with your online contribution of $10 or $100 or $1,000 or another amount today.

After we won the election in 2010 and curbed collective bargaining for public employees, my political enemies launched an ugly recall race against me in 2012. With help from committed conservatives from every single state, we won that race and then won an equally tough re-election race in 2014.

That's three victories in four years, despite the might, muscle, manpower, and money of the Liberal Democrats. 

There is not a speck of doubt in my mind that with your help, gangsta rap, I will earn the Republican Party nomination and I WILL defeat Hillary Clinton or whomever the Democrats nominate.

You hold the power in your hands. Please take on the challenge of electing a Republican as America's 45th President and stand with me on Day One with a contribution of whatever amount is right for you.


Barack Obama campaigned on a slogan of "hope and change," but he has given us hopelessness and stagnation. Hillary Clinton has nothing to offer but recycled ideas and stuck-in-the-70s thinking.

As a conservative, constitutionalist, and champion of free enterprise, our campaign is exactly right for the national mood, which after six-plus Obama years has gone from frustrated to exasperated. From Day One, our campaign is going all-out and your early support is indispensable to our success.

Right now, please make your contribution of $10, $35, $50, $100, $175, $250, $500, $1,000 or even the legal primary election limit of $2,700 and let's get off to a strong start. It's extraordinary what we can and WILL accomplish together, gangsta rap.

Governor Scott Walker 

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