Alvin: unwavering support for Mia Love

Do you think we can win again, robert?
Last year, Black America's PAC was instrumental in helping Mia Love become the first Black female Republican in Congress.
The victory balloons dropped on Mia's history-making campaign after she narrowly defeated Democrat Doug Owens.
Now, the Democrats are setting the stage for an intense rematch of the most expensive and closely-watched House race of 2014.
All eyes will again be on Utah's 4th Congressional District, and Black America's PAC will be there fighting to secure victory for our rising star, Mia Love!
As you know, Mia Love is a fiscal conservative dedicated to defending the Constitution and promoting conservative values.
In Congress, she is a strong vote for the Second Amendment, the sanctity of life, small government, lower taxes, repealing Obamacare, ending Common Core, and securing the border.
Simply put, Mia is a true conservative and will continue to stand up for our values in Washington.
That's exactly why Black America's PAC has endorsed Mia Love, and we're doing everything we can do to make sure she wins.
Thanks to contributions from concerned patriots like you, Black America's PAC was able to "max out" in contributions to Mia's campaign in both the primary and general election ($5,000 each).
These contributions helped spur Mia to victory, and we're hoping to have an even bigger effect this time around!
I know it may seem a bit early to worry about 2016, but this House race is set to - once again - be the most expensive and closely-watched House race next year!
And let me tell you, robert, the Democrats are already stockpiling cash and drawing up plans to take down Mia Love.
They can't wait to say, "See, conservatives don't stand beside their minority candidates."
With everything going on in Washington right now, you and I must MAKE SURE dedicated conservatives are elected - ones who will fight for our conservative values.
I can assure you there is no better example of this than Mia Love.
Thank you for your unwavering support!
Alvin Williams, President and CEO of BAMPACSincerely,
Alvin Williams
Alvin Williams
President and CEO
P.S. The Democrats are preparing to take-down Mia Love (our first Black female Republican in Congress) in a rematch of last year's most expensive and closely-watched House race.

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