Kirsten: the first Latina elected to the U.S. Senate.

I am doing everything I can in Nevada to help elect Catherine Cortez Masto to the U.S. Senate, and I need you with me:
NPR calls Nevada the “Republicans' best (and some might say only) pickup opportunity this cycle.” The Washington Post says a GOP win in Nevada would “ensure their majority for two more years.”
Here’s my ask: If you agree that we MUST take back our Democratic Senate – to secure the future of our Supreme Court, advance women’s rights and level the playing field for ALL Americans – I need you to give to Catherine right now.
Catherine is just ONE POINT DOWN in the latest poll, so your support could not come at a more critical time. Use this link to give:
Catherine epitomizes the very idea of inclusivity and opportunity: She stands to be the first Latina elected to the U.S. Senate.
It is a critical message for us to send now that the GOP has made Donald Trump the face of its party.
But with the Senate majority and the future of the Supreme Court on the line, Catherine will face unprecedented attacks from outside groups desperate to hold onto power. If we don’t help her fight them, she can’t win. But if we come through, we can help Catherine make history.
Will you donate as much as you can now to help elect Catherine in Nevada, take back the Senate and secure the future of the Supreme Court?
If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will automatically be evenly split between Catherine Cortez Masto and Kirsten Gillibrand:
Thank you for your support,

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