Tim: The NDAA also bars the President from transferring terrorists

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Mother Emanuel Anniversary
A year ago last Friday, parishioners of Mother Emanuel AME Church were the victims of a horrific hate crime that took the lives of nine people. The gunman hoped to incite a race war; however, his actions did just the opposite. People from all across the state and country came together to support those directly affected by these tragic events.
Seeing the victims’ families come forth to forgive the man who took the lives of their loved ones was one of the most amazing things we have ever seen. Their willingness to forgive a man so filled with hate was an example of strength and goodness that was inspiring. My heart and prayers continue to be with the families.
I created a tribute  video  in remembrance of the tragic events and how South Carolina came together in the face of adversity. I am proud to be from the great state of South Carolina. 
Supporting our Troops and Keeping Guantanamo Open
Last week, I voted for the  2017 National Defense Act (NDAA) . In supporting the NDAA, I voted for pay raises for our troops and to ensure they have the resources they need in battle. With the shadow of terror looming over our nation this week, it is more important than ever that we give our troops everything they need to keep themselves and our nation safe.
The NDAA also bars the President from transferring terrorists from Guantanamo Bay to domestic locations in the United States, taking a strong stand against the White House's disastrous plan to do so. I also supported language in the bill to ensure the MOX program continues. Despite the Obama Administration's efforts to kill it, MOX remains vital to fulfilling our international non-proliferation treaties, and no other viable alternative exists.
The NDAA now heads to a conference committee, where differences between the bill passed by the Senate today and the House of Representatives last month will be worked out.
A Different Kind of Service
This weekend, I had the opportunity to learn about serving folks in a different kind of way in Mt. Pleasant. I had a great time serving the customers and getting to know the staff. 

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