Chuck: We need Democrat Cal Cunningham to win

End Citizens United is dedicated to electing Democrats, transforming our broken campaign finance system, and ultimately ending Citizens United. If you really want to receive only our most urgent emails or unsubscribe, click here.
Robert, something suspicious and dark is happening in the North Carolina Senate Election.
  • We need Democrat Cal Cunningham to win this election or we won’t take back the Senate for Democrats. Trump knows this. That’s why he’s planned a massive MAGA rally to take Cal down.

  • And now a GOP SuperPAC is running ads to disrupt Cal’s primary. It’s a devious scheme to manipulate voters and undercut Democrats.

  • Cal is refusing Corporate PAC money, so I’m rushing to get him 2,000 donors before Election Day in a couple weeks.
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The latest polls show Cal Cunningham 2 points ahead of Republican Senator Thom Tillis in North Carolina.

That’s exactly why Trump and Mitch McConnell are meddling in the primary -- because they are afraid to take on Cal in the general election.

Anything you give to this email will help Cal win in North Carolina and take back the Senate for Democrats. Please chip in whatever you can and it’ll be matched 3 times:
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3X-Match: $25 >>
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Thank you,
-Senator Chuck Schumer
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When we pass the Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United, our movement will go down in history as HEROES. And Robert, when the next generation asks what you did to stop Donald Trump, you’ll be able to say you were a Proud Member of End Citizens United.
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From the entire End Citizens United team, thanks for your support!
End Citizens United PAC
P.O. Box 66005
Washington, D.C. 20035

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