Borris: I continue the fight for criminal justice reform

Recidivism is the rate in which ex-offenders relapse into criminal activities. The National Statistic on Recidivsm shows that within 3 years of release 67.8% of released prisoners were re-arrested, and within 5 years of release the rearrest rate rose to 76.7%. In the state of Texas, our recidivism rate is 22.6%.
Incarceration weakens communities and tears apart families. Unfortunately, many ex-offenders who served their time and have proven that they are ready to begin a new life find it extremely difficult to find a job or access to education because of their past. By providing education to prisoners it makes them 43% less likely to repeat criminal acts.
As a sponsor of HB 553, we now have a task force set in place to better assess and determine certification programs, industry recognizable credentials, and school credits to inmates. By supporting me today, we can tackle issues like high recidivism rates, while giving ex-offenders a second chance.
As I continue the fight for criminal justice reform, will you support me today by donating?
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