Al: most expensive midterm election ever.

Al Franken - U.S. Senator, Minnesota
Dear robert,

Thanksgiving’s coming up. This year, I bet you a LOT of outside groups are giving a LOT of thanks for Citizens United.

This year was the most expensive midterm election ever. Yes, ever. And a lot of that is thanks to the outside money that Citizens United let loose in our political process.

Join the 5OO,OOO+ people standing with me against Citizens United. Demand Congress end that decision’s effects right now.
Outside spending in our elections has gotten absurd. Look at the numbers:

Koch network groups spent about $150 million.

Rove’s groups spent $70 million.

Conservative groups altogether spent $302 million to defeat Democrats in this year’s elections.

Call me crazy, but I don’t think when the founders envisioned free speech, they meant “let corporations spend millions of dollars to buy elections in America.” This is not how our elections should run.

Demand Congress put an end to Citizens United. Sign our petition today.

I don’t want to go through another election cycle of political ads and outside groups dominating the conversation with endless waves of ads and attacks.

Thanks for joining me in this.


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