Kirsten Gillibrand: tremendous gains for women in Congress

Help elect more women to Congress. Deadline: Midnight. Goal: $25,000Robert,
The 2012 election brought tremendous gains for women in Congress, with a total of 97 women serving in both chambers.
But those achievements are anything but permanent.
In 2014, three female Democratic senators will be up for re-election. In the House, 13 newly elected Democratic women will once again face serious challengers. We have to be ready to support them.
Give to my Off the Sidelines PAC so we can defend Democratic women from right-wing attacks and ensure they remain in Congress where they belong. We need to raise $30,000 before midnight tonight to make this year's first end-of-the-month goal. Please, don’t wait.
Building up our resources now for the next mid-term election is absolutely essential. It’s the only way to hold our majority in the Senate and make gains in the House. And it’s the only way to solidify the progress we’ve made to bring more women to Washington.
I often say that if Congress were made up of 51 percent women, we wouldn’t be arguing the same debates of the past. We would be focused on the future and solving issues like gun control, climate change and education reform.
The more Democratic women we have in the halls of Congress, the better chance we have to build the nation we want for our children.
Thanks for all your generous support,
Kirsten Gillibrand

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