Russ Feingold: Thank You

Progressives have a lot to celebrate today.
Together, we united to fight the exploding corporate influence in this election -- and the result is clear: your power is greater than theirs.
We decided to come together to show corporations, Wall Street lobbyists, and multi-billionaires that they couldn't buy their way to victory -- and together, we helped progressives win in races up and down the ballot, throughout the country.
In the face billions of dollars in unlimited, corporate attacks, we proved that the people are more powerful than a handful of big-money executives and Wall Street lobbyists:
Barack Obama has won. And to fight with him, progressives like Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Baldwin, Chris Murphy, Sherrod Brown, Jon Tester, and others are headed to the Senate to push for real reform.
But this isn't the end of the line for big money.
With the election over, attention will turn almost immediately to deciding whether the middle class is held hostage by unnecessary tax cuts that will go only to the very wealthy, whether Medicare and Social Security get eviscerated while defense contractors continue to get rich, and more.
That's why progressives need to keep working together, and Progressives United will be there to unite us.
I am so proud of what our community has accomplished, and you should be too.
Thank you for standing with us and seeing this through.
And thank you for uniting as a progressive,

Russ Feingold
Progressives United

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