Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Thank You

Robert --

We did it! Thank you.

It was a battle hard fought. We built the largest, most dynamic grassroots organization in history, and we beat back the unprecedented outside spending on the other side. On Tuesday, voters chose to move forward, giving President Obama four more years to finish what we started together. 

I am so proud of the tens of thousands of supporters who made phone calls, knocked on doors till their knuckles were sore, talked to their friends and neighbors, or chipped in what they could to support President Obama and Democrats -- you all made this possible. This victory is yours. 

We can't stop here.

We have more battles ahead and we need to work together with President Obama to continue building an economy from the middle class out -- and a country where prosperity, education, and equal rights aren't limited to those who can afford them.

So thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I will never forget the night we re-elected President Barack Obama, and I will never forget your support.

All the best,


Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Democratic National CommitteeW

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