I have a few updates for you


Warren Democrats

I get it: It can be hard to keep track of everything going on in Washington. And it can be easy to feel discouraged about what’s not happening fast enough, or what’s not happening, period.

So I want to give a quick rundown of how I see the lay of the land, and how we’re making some progress even though we’re in the middle of some tough fights.

But first, I’m asking: We have a big end-of-quarter fundraising deadline coming up, and we have less than a week to hit our goal. If you’re in a place where making a financial contribution makes sense, please chip in $3 or whatever you can to support our re-election campaign, help elect Democrats up and down the ballot, and fight for the bold reforms that we need as a country.

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So here’s how I see it: All the pieces are starting to come together for one big infrastructure deal. We call it “infrastructure,” but really, it’s about the kind of country we want to be going forward. It’s about making opportunity for everyone.

So it includes roads, bridges, and broadband — and Republicans are coming together with Democrats on that. But I’ve stood firm with other progressives to make sure we don’t stop there — and this week, we got some key commitments that this deal will move forward alongside other big pieces we need. Because if we want people to be able to go to work, then we also need quality, affordable child care. And if we want to be able to live on this planet, we need to invest in clean energy and green transportation. To pay for it, we can get billionaires and giant corporations to pay a fair share. I’m going to make sure we don’t leave child care or climate behind.

We’re also staying in the fight to protect the right to vote and reduce Washington corruption. Of course Mitch McConnell is going to keep using every obstructionist trick in the book. But I’m not giving up after one filibuster. Neither are the rest of my Democratic colleagues. That unity is powerfully important. And if we need to get rid of the filibuster, then you know I’m ready to get rid of the filibuster.

We’re pushing forward, but we’ve got a narrow path with razor-thin majorities in Congress.

I’ve got one eye on Washington, and another eye on making sure we elect more Democrats in 2022. More champions for working people who know that we can’t just nibble around the edges of the problems we face.

That’s where you come in — because we’ve got a big end-of-quarter fundraising deadline on June 30. We need to raise money early to help build strong grassroots campaigns across the country.

If it makes sense for you right now, will you pitch in $3 or whatever you can? Your donation will help protect and expand our Democratic majorities in Congress and put wind in our sails as we fight for big, structural change.

Thanks for being a part of this,



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