Chelsea Clinton sits down with pioneering physician

Clinton Foundation | Putting People First

In the latest episode of “Why Am I Telling You This?”, Chelsea Clinton sits down with pioneering physician, anthropologist, and Partners In Health co-founder Dr. Paul Farmer to talk about his life’s work to deliver quality, comprehensive health care and fight devastating diseases in some of the poorest places on Earth.
Listen to the latest episode of “Why Am I Telling You This?”
Together with co-founders Jim Yong Kim and Ophelia Dahl, Paul has forever changed the field of public health through his revolutionary approach to global health equity by supporting strong community-based health systems and partnering with institutions like Harvard Medical School and the Clinton Health Access Initiative to provide all people with world-class medicine.

Listen as Paul shares stories about what he has learned from combating HIV/AIDS, the 2014 Ebola outbreak, and building clinics in countries like Haiti, Rwanda, and Mexico – and why he is optimistic about the future of public health.
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