Dr. Ben Carson, American Cornerstone Institute


You've heard me talk about the American Cornerstone Institute before, but I wanted to give you an update on everything that we have been doing. We have been staying quite busy trying to educate America about the far left's radical social agenda and unprecedented raiding of the treasury to support liberal causes and interest groups.

Far left progressives are doing everything they can to fool the American public into thinking that their radical views are actually mainstream, including shouting "Racist!" in response to anything that is even remotely conservative. How can we get back to common ground if they are unwilling to even engage in a debate? That cannot be the way forward, and the American Cornerstone Institute is doing everything it can to reinvigorate the principles that made America the greatest country in the history of the world.

I'm asked about the same thing every time I go on the news. I'm asked about how our nation got so divided and what can be done to fix it. It's a question I love answering because, like you, I believe that America's best days are still in front of it. The American Cornerstone Institute has some exciting and innovative solutions to get us back to our founding principles.

We've already been able to do so much because of the support we have received so far. We've produced papers, op-eds, analyses, have been all across the country, and have spoken with members of Congress about how important it is to return America to its former greatness.

With your support we would be able to do so much more. Perhaps the biggest threat to the next several generations of Americans is the teaching of Critical Race Theory, commonly known as CRT. This would teach children, at taxpayer funded schools, to hate America and the ideas it was founded on. It will teach students to hate their fellow Americas based only on the color of their skin. In effect, generations of Americans would be taught to hate America in the classroom. This is being fought tooth and nail on a local level, and there is some progress being made.

American Cornerstone Institute stands with America in this fight. We are working hard to launch our Little Patriots program which would equip students, parents, and teachers with the resources and knowledge they need to combat this radical curriculum. We want to get our program in as many places as possible.

I personally hate asking for money, but I hate losing our country even more. So please join our cause and donate. Together we are unbeatable.

We are unlike a lot of think tanks. We don’t just talk about what should be done, we come up with solutions and try to put them in to practice. That’s all because of you. We are able to do such much because of what you have given to us, and we can’t thank you enough for your support.

Thank you for everything you have done for us.


Ben Carson
Founder, American Cornerstone Institute


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