Team Obama: Yes We can do this

The root of resolution is resolve.
That voice inside all of us that says, quietly:
I can do this.
That voice gains strength when it's shared. When it joins with other voices:
We can do this.
Change only happens when ordinary people get involved. Get engaged. Come together to demand it.
And stand up together to change their world.
This is our work.

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See you in 2018, everyone.

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This Week's 🔥Topics

Michelle, and I

Bruce Lindsey We hope that you are proud of what we have accomplished together

Katherine Archuleta: Today President Obama announced a common-sense policy change that will make our immigration system fairer and smarter.

Carly: Why I accepted

Joni: retired Air Force Colonel,

Tammy is a true trailblazer. She’s a combat Veteran,

Andrew: hear more of Malorie's story, you can watch our conversation here

What is 4th of July to Fort Smith Arkansas.

Stephanie Cutter: Friday is the final deadline

Mitt: the most impressive candidates