Samantha: help UAP fight for Dave's freedom

Dear Friend, 
                                            My name is Samantha
Swarts and I'm the proud wife of Navy SEAL Chief Dave Swarts. 
                                            I know we've never
met - but if you would move heaven and earth to protect your
family, then I pray that you'll understand why I'm writing to you
                                            As you may know, Navy
SEALs are one of the most elite special operations forces in the
world - which means they're usually the first ones sent into the
most dangerous situations. 
                                            So when Dave got the
call to provide training and support to the Afghan Local Police
(ALP), I was thrilled.  Finally a deployment where he wouldn't be
directly in harm's way!  
                                            I never imagined that
Dave's "safest" mission would end in a nightmare... 
                                            But on May 31, 2012,
the ALP brought in several Taliban insurgents for questioning
about an IED blast that had killed one of their Afghani officers.

                                            Dave and his team
helped separate the detainees for what they thought would be
routine questioning.  But it quickly became clear the Afghani
police didn't want information - they wanted revenge.
                                            The ALP guys began
abusing the Taliban detainees - hitting, kicking, beating with
antennas and hoses, and dropping rocks on them.  
                                            Dave and his team
rushed to stop them.  Not only did they take over the
interrogation, they figured out that the prisoners were
responsible for the deadly IED blast and should be further
detained and questioned. 
                                            Unfortunately, the
ALP commander instead decided to let their Taliban detainees go. 

                                            There was nothing
Dave or his men could do.  
                                            And the next day, a
rumor circulated that one of the Taliban who'd been let go turned
up dead - and the SEALs were immediately blamed. 
                                            The Navy launched an
investigation and after months of review board hearings and
testimony, they finally determined that Dave and his team had
done NOTHING wrong. 
                                            In fact, they
determined that the SEALs' actions actually settled a difficult
situation and prevented further abuse. 
                                            And in November 2012,
Dave and his team were officially found NOT GUILTY.
                                            But THREE YEARS
LATER, the New York Times published an article accusing the
members of SEAL Team 2 of war crimes in Afghanistan. 
                                            The Navy launched a
new investigation.  
                                            And now, more than
five years after the incident, Dave has been charged with
conspiracy to make a false statement, assault with a deadly
weapon, obstruction of justice and wrongfully discharging a
                                            If he's found guilty,
Dave will be sent to prison for 19 years. 
                                            19 years locked away
in a prison for a crime he didn't commit.  
                                            The irony isn't lost
on me.  Every time that Dave deployed, I worried that he would be
killed - and how I would tell our children that daddy wasn't
coming home. 
                                            Now to think that
Dave might not come home because our government won't stand up
for him! 
                                            How do you tell your
children that daddy isn't coming home because our very own
government - the one he's risked his life to protect countless
times - won't protect him?!  
                                            I can't even
contemplate that answer because I have a bigger problem to
solve...  How are we going to pay for Dave's defense?
                                            Cases like Dave's can
cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.  But raising two children
on a military salary means we don't have a lot of money in our
savings account!  
                                            So it felt like an
answer to my prayers when I received a call from a retired Marine
by the name of Major Bill Donahue who heard about Dave's case and
contacted me immediately. 
                                            His organization, the
United American Patriots (UAP) helps warriors who have been
unfairly indicted for their split-second actions in combat. 
Major Donahue knows firsthand from combat tours in Vietnam that
you can't send troops into terrorist combat zones and
second-guess their actions from a desk in Washington.  
                                            UAP has generously
offered to help pay for Dave's legal defense.  But first they
have to raise money for a trial, which will require hours of
legal research, expert witnesses, and legal motions.  
                                            UAP is a non-profit
organization, which means they don't receive any funding from the
federal government - only private donations from patriotic
                                            It also means that
I'm going to take a deep breath and ask you one of the hardest
questions I've ever asked another person: 
                                            Will you help UAP
fight for my husband by making a donation of any amount today? 
                                            Your gift is
tax-deductible.  And it will help us pay for Dave's trial and
help other innocent service members who've been unfairly charged,
too - including two other SEALs on Dave's team.  
                                            My friend, I know
we've never met.  But I hope you'll find it in your heart to help
UAP fight for my husband. 
                                            Whether you can send
$10 or $100, your contribution could be the difference between
letting my husband rot in prison for the next 19 years for a
crime he didn't commit... or keeping him at home with his family
where he belongs. 
                                            Thank you in advance
for your support. 
                                            Samantha Swarts 
                                            P.S.  Dave was
awarded a Bronze Star for his courageous service.  He and his
teammates are some of the finest warriors this Country has - and
we need them out there defending us against the countless threats
we face.  Please help UAP fight for Dave's freedom so he can
continue fighting for yours on the battlefield.  Thank you in
advance for your support.
                                                        Make a
                                United American Patriots is a
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are
tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. 
                                Mailing Address: 121-F Shields
Park Drive, Kernersville, NC 27284  
                                © Copyright 2017,

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