Marjorie: eight pro-abortion Senators up for re-election

Dear robert,

Though there is a Republican majority in the U.S. Senate, we don't quite have a pro-life majority.

In 2018, there will be eight pro-abortion Senators up for re-election in states that President Trump won last year. 2018 may be the best opportunity we've ever had since Roe v. Wade to build a strong pro-life majority in the U.S. Senate.
But we're not waiting until 2018 to work for that majority. We've already started.

We already have SBA List canvassers working on the ground in Florida and Ohio, knocking on doors to educate voters about their pro-abortion incumbent Senators. In fact, we've already knocked on nearly 75,000 doors so far.
In 2016 we knocked on 1.1 Million doors to get out the pro-life vote. For 2018 we've set an ambitious goal of 2 Million doors 
to get out the pro-life vote and build a strong pro-life majority in the U.S. Senate.
Our efforts are expanding rapidly to more states -- which is why I need you to go all in with us today.

As I told you earlier this week, a generous donor has agreed to a matching challenge. This donor will match all donations to SBA List, dollar-for-dollar, through September 30, up to $50,000!
Your donation will immediately be put to work to identify and train pro-life candidates who can take down pro-abortion incumbents in 2018, and help us establish a ground operation in more of our targeted states.
As we've seen repeatedly this year, important battles in the Senate can turn on a single vote. That's why we need to create a stronger pro-life majority that can serve as a firewall and advance our pro-life agenda.

And even as we prepare for 2018, rest assured that we are working tirelessly right now in Congress on our pro-life agenda for 2017, including defunding Planned Parenthood and passing the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
Thank you so much for your support. It's an incredible encouragement to our staff on the ground in 2018 battleground states, as well as our DC office.

Thank you for standing alongside us for unborn babies and their mothers.

For Life,
Marjorie Dannenfelser
President, Susan B. Anthony List
P.S. We've raised $16,028 towards this matching challenge. But we must raise an additional $33,972 by midnight on September 30 in order to meet the $50,000 goal and double it to $100,000 to go directly to elect pro-life legislators who will enact life-saving laws. We can't afford to leave anything on the table. The babies can't afford for us to leave anything on the table.

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