The Squad is facing opposition from the right-wing AND House Democratic leadership


Justice Democrats

The Squad is facing opposition from the right-wing AND House Democratic leadership. Will you stand with Alexandria, Ilhan, Ayanna, and Rashida to help fight these senseless attacks?

Stand with The Squad

Black Independent Party,

Alexandria, Ilhan, Ayanna, and Rashida came to Congress to hold our government accountable to the people — not to score political points — but when The Squad speaks out against the status quo, the status quo fights back.

The Squad has continued to speak out against the far-right Israeli government’s terror campaign against the Palestinian people and have been bold in saying what few will: That victims of war crimes deserve justice, no matter who committed the crimes.

House Republicans have introduced a resolution to censure The Squad for doing their job. While this comes from the right-wing, House Democratic leadership is complicit in silencing The Squad. Just last week, Nancy Pelosi spoke out against Ilhan’s international solidarity and unequivocal support for the human rights of all people.

The Squad is up against attacks from both Republicans and establishment Democrats. If you want to protect The Squad’s voice in Congress, will you chip in $3 right now?

Contribute $3

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is now calling on Nancy Pelosi to strip Ilhan of her House Foreign Affairs Committee assignment. We can’t let that happen. The pressure to remove Ilhan is rooted in racism, xenophobia, and anti-Muslim bigotry, and we must call it out.

Ilhan is one of the strongest voices in Congress upholding human rights and justice for all. If you are with Ilhan and The Squad in this fight, will you chip in to ensure they can keep fighting in Congress?

In solidarity,

Justice Democrats

Do not worry if you cannot afford to make a contribution — we understand that this is a difficult time. If you’re struggling, you can find a food bank here. We appreciate everything you do to keep our movement strong.

Please stay informed and follow the most up-to-date recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and your state public health department.



Paid for by Justice Democrats

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
10629 Hardin Valley Rd, #226, Knoxville, TN 37932

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