From the Desk of Alvin Williams, President

Dear Mr. Gilyard,

Regardless of what you and I may personally believe concerning the integrity of the 2020 Election, there are two undeniable facts that we must recognize and address before we can move forward:

  1. Our fellow conservatives are being censored, ridiculed, and attacked for raising valid questions over possible "foul play" in the election. And because their concerns are being ignored, they're quickly losing faith and may not vote any more
  2. The Dem. Governors of key swing states made unconstitutional revisions to election rules & procedures that sacrificed election integrity to ensure Democrat victories

Now, the Democrats are not only fighting to keep these illegal rules in place, they're plotting to impose even more unlawful election changes to make it impossible for conservatives to ever win again.

To prevent a permanent Democrat majority, we must defeat these corrupt Democrat Governors and replace them with principled conservatives who will restore election integrity and revive voter confidence in our elections. That's why I'm hoping you'll help...


The email below explains why Democrats are terrified of John James winning this critical race and why patriotic conservatives like you should support him. So please read my email to you below and sign your "Run, John, Run" petition urging John James to run for Governor TODAY.

Thank you, and God Bless.

Please enable images to see Alvin Williams Signature and P.S.


Your update from Black America's PAC

Dear Mr. Gilyard,

There are few things Democrats fear more than Black conservatives exposing the Liberal LIES about "racist" conservatives to Black voters...

John James could be the next Governor of Michigan...but a fearless, Black conservative, Christian, Army combat veteran, and successful business leader like John James is the Democrats' worst nightmare.

I'm hoping you'll take a moment to sign the "Run, John, Run" petition urging John James to run for Michigan Governor THIS ELECTION...

...but first let me explain why Democrats are terrified of John James winning this crucial race and why patriotic conservatives like you should care.

As you know, the Democrats are willing to do anything in their pursuit of power, but few can match the insatiable thirst for power and callous dictatorial proclivities of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Whitmer is praised by the news media as one of the top, rising Democrat stars, and she was a front-runner for Biden's VP pick...

...but in reality, she's one of the most iron-fisted, petty tyrants in America.

Like Governor Cuomo in New York, Whitmer is facing a fierce backlash and calls for investigations into her controversial Covid "nursing home policy" through which she forced nursing homes to accept Covid-positive patients (of all ages).

Whitmer's nursing home policy was fatal to many of the most vulnerable members of our communities...

What's worse is that Gov. Whitmer stubbornly refused to rescind this horrifying policy -- ignoring the pleas of her constituents and even fellow Democrats -- until long after it became evident that she was jeopardizing the lives of nursing homes residents.

Whitmer has become infamous for mandating some of the most irrational, oppressive, and unconstitutional (as ruled by the Michigan Supreme Court) Covid restrictions in America including...

1. Banning the sale of "nonessential items" like baby cribs and car seats

2. Requiring restaurants to record detailed personal information of their patrons to be handed over to the state

3. Mandating "state at home" orders so strict that law enforcement refused to enforce them, comparing them to "mass arrests"

4. Revoking the license and prosecuting a 77-year old barber for cutting hair (a state judge ultimately dismissed the charges)

Like other Democrats, Gretchen Whitmer is fully willing to destroy the economy, eviscerate the Bill of Rights, and endanger the lives of Americans for political power.

With the Biden Administration and Democrat-controlled Congress looking to make radical, sweeping changes to rapidly overhaul America -- states like Michigan will be the critical counterweights that conservatives like you and me need to fight back.

That's why we must replace Whitmer with a principled conservative who will stand up for the Constitution and the American people.

That's why we must Draft John James for Governor!

Let me tell you, if John throws his hat into the ring, then Democrats don't stand a chance!

After all, John has received more statewide votes in Michigan than any Republican in history...

...and he's the only conservative who can reach the Black Community and others who typically cast votes for Democrats.

The Democrats are Terrified of John James

John is a successful, articulate, and intelligent Black conservative whose impeccable character can't be defaced with liberal slander and lies.

Will You Help Draft John James to Run for Governor?
"I am a conservative who happens to be black. I'm in the Republican Party because the platform most aligns with my values. I am pro-life. I am pro-Second Amendment. I am pro-family. I am pro-business."

He's a West Point graduate, Ranger-qualified aviation officer, and retired Army Captain who served with distinction while leading two Apache helicopter platoons in Iraq.

He's also a successful businessman, having quadrupled his company's revenue and added 100 new employees in his first five years as its President.

And through each step of his journey, John has led with courage, conviction, and a servant-first mentality that comes from his Christian faith.

John calls himself an "unapologetic Christian, pro-life, pro-business, pro-Second Amendment, conservative outsider" but Fox News and others are calling him "The future of the GOP."

"He's SPECTACULAR! Rarely have I seen a candidate with such great potential. West Point graduate, successful businessman, and an African American leader... He will be a star!"

- Former President Donald Trump

But let me tell you what scares the Democrats the most...

John James is on a mission to reclaim Black voters by exposing the Liberal LIE that conservatives like you and me are all racist.

John's damning critiques of the Democrat Party are ringing true and spreading like wildfire within the Black Community.

He's opening their eyes to the "Democratic brand of dependency that's being peddled" by unmasking Democrats as opportunistic, self-serving politicians who prey on Blacks with lies, empty promises, and failed policies...

...which has ignited an exodus of Black voters from the Democrat Party.

Sean Hannity says John James is unbelievable

"Everything I've heard, read, and see about this guy...He's unbelievable! I think we have a future star on our hands."

- Sean Hannity

John James is a serious threat to the Democrat Party, and they know it!

To say the Democrats are panicking would be an understatement.

They know that John can reclaim enough Black voters to convert this long-standing Democrat stronghold into the newest "red state."

They know that winning this race will catapult John to national stardom -- guaranteeing that millions of Black voters across America will hear his powerful message and flee the Democrat Party like never before.

And once elected, Governor John James will work tirelessly to:

 EXPOSE the Liberal Lies to the entire nation

 RECLAIM Black voters from the Democrat Party

 END the Democrats' death-grip on the Black Community

And Democrats know that if they lose their stranglehold on the Black vote, it'll be impossible for them to ever win another election.

That's why Democrats are so terrified of John James and WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO SHUT HIM UP!

That's why your signed petition to John James is so important, Robert!

So won't you sign your "Run, John, Run" petition urging John James to run for Governor today?

Once I receive your signed petition, I'll send it directly to John so he'll be encouraged to run knowing he has the full support of conservatives like you.

But to convince John James to run, you and I are going to need every signed petition we can get!

So along with your petition, I pray you'll also make an urgent contribution of $20.21, $28, $40, $75 or more to help find 14,999 more patriotic conservatives to help convince John James to run for Governor!

Or perhaps you want to do more to Draft John James for Governor?

Your generous contribution of $250, $500, $1000 or more will help purchase "America Supports John James" advertising urging John James to run for Governor this election!

Will you help draft John James to run for Governor this election?

These ads are critical to showing John that patriotic conservatives like you and me want him to run and that we'll have his back if he does agree to run.

We're quickly running out of time to convince John to run before the filing deadlineso please sign your "Run, John, Run" petition today.

And when you do, please make an urgent contribution of $20.21, $28, $40, $75, $250, $500, $1000 or more to help...

 Recruit 14,999 conservatives like you to sign the petition

 Run ads urging John James to run for Governor this election

 Build a strong base of support to propel John to victory

John James really is "the future Republicans have been waiting for," but that future may never arrive without your committed support.

As a conservative leader in your community, your signed petition and support are absolutely critical to convince John to run this election and to propel him to victory in this crucial Governor race (if he agrees to run).

So please return your signed petition and urgent contribution of $20.21, $28, $40, $75, $250, $500, $1000 or more to draft John James for Governor today

Thank you, and God Bless.

Alvin Williams, PresidentAlvin Williams, President
        Alvin Williams

P.S. John James is the Democrats' worst nightmare because he's reclaiming Black voters by exposing the Liberal LIES about "racist" conservatives that keep Blacks voting for Democrats...

...and he's the ONLY ONE who can win this crucial Governor race!

That's why they'll stop at nothing to SHUT HIM UP!

So please sign your "Run, John, Run" petition urging John James to run for Governor today.

And with it, And with it, I pray you'll make an urgent contribution of $28, $40, $75, $250, $500, $1000 or more to recruit 14,999 more conservative patriots like you to help Draft John James for Governor.

Will you help draft John James to run for Governor this election?


© Black America's PAC

Paid for by Black America's PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.


This Week's 🔥Topics

Mary: Arkansans are frustrated with the news that comes out of Washington

Katie: We did it

Joni: retired Air Force Colonel,

Gabby: look at how far we’ve come

get out the vote and talk to Cook County's residents

Jason: Hang out w/ Kirk Cameron

Tim: Bill Maher’s use of a racial epithet.

That’s a big gamble in an era of rising crime.

#TheBlackDeal Update: President Trump has completed Promise No. 4