Tucker Carlson went on Fox News to rant about how Democrats



Sign the petition: Ban Fox News from playing on military bases. We can’t allow Tucker Carlson to preach his anti-science crap and discourage our troops from getting vaccinated.


Tucker Carlson went on Fox News to rant about how Democrats are trying to “make life difficult” for unvaccinated people. Catching the virus, on the other hand, that will be like a vacation...

Tucker Carlson News Ticker: Dems want to make life difficult for unvaccinated.

Tucker and the rest of the Fox News crew are preaching dangerous misinformation about vaccine safety, putting lives at stake, and actually hurting our military readiness in the process.

You see, vaccination rates among active duty troops are far too low right now, largely due to right-wing disinformation like the kind Tucker Carlson spews on a daily basis. It’s leaving our troops exposed to catching and spreading COVID-19. Our military can’t afford risks like that -- it hurts troop readiness.

That’s why we need you to sign our petition calling for a ban on Fox News on military bases. We can’t allow Tucker Carlson to preach this anti-science crap and discourage our troops from getting vaccinated. Add your name here:


Thanks for taking a stand against anti-science, conspiracy peddling idiots like Tucker Carlson.

- The team at VoteVets

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