Take our Budget Priorities Survey to let Adam know what you want Democrats fighting for in the weeks ahead.


Friend —

Voters, supporters, and organizers across the country elected our Democratic majorities and President Biden to force change. To rebuild our economy, save our planet from the climate crisis, and rescue our democracy from the abuses of an authoritarian cult of personality surrounding the former president.

Mitch McConnell should not get to decide which bills Congress passes in this once-in-a-generation opportunity to carry out that mandate.

So while the Senate negotiates a bipartisan infrastructure deal, we need to make sure that the budget reconciliation package — which can pass with 50 Democratic votes — includes robust investments not only in roads, tunnels, and bridges but also in families and workers.

Take our Budget Priorities Survey to let Adam know what you want Democrats fighting for in the weeks ahead.


Team Schiff Budget Priorities Survey


The reconciliation package is a critical opportunity to address climate change, expand Medicare, invest in affordable housing, and so much more. It is our biggest and best chance.

Time and time again, we’ve witnessed Mitch McConnell put partisanship ahead of the American people.

With the filibuster still firmly in place, budget reconciliation is our one shot to advance our bold, progressive agenda before the midterms reach full swing.

So, let us know: What areas are you hoping to see Adam fight for in the budget reconciliation package?

Take our quick survey and let us know your top priorities. We’ll be sure to send your feedback to Adam. Your input helps ensure that Adam and our Democratic majorities are fighting for the priorities most important to you.


We can’t afford to let this opportunity pass and allow Mitch McConnell to keep weaponizing the filibuster and ruling the Senate from the minority. It’s time to act boldly and pass the progressive policies the American people voted for in November.

— Team Schiff


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