Join the Movement! #whatsinitforus


Hello Difference Makers!

As the daily chaos around us mounts, it can all get very overwhelming. Panic can set in at the thought of us wanting to make change happen, but not knowing where to begin. When US barges crashed to the shores of Normandy on D-Day during the Second World War, soldiers were instructed to keep moving forward in the midst of bullets, bombs, blood, and mayhem. Standing still and taking cover was the easy option, but an action that yielded certain death and defeat.
Many races and nationalities forged forward together through the treacherous beach ahead to make the world a better, safer place. And while we can only learn from our past and not change it, we can take action for a better future and right some of the wrongs that took place before us.
A Contract with Black America is a pathway to promote shared prosperity and achieve racial and economic justice. Your support has and will make a difference. Here is how you can demand a change:
 So many of us watch the ongoing injustice happening around us on a daily basis and feel powerless to enact change. The CWBA is your opportunity to address inequality and forge a better path for generations ahead.
The pen is mightier than the sword. Justice and equality have always been a bipartisan issue.
Now is the time to step up and have your representatives, regardless of political affiliation, take a comprehensive step towards an action plan that addresses the future stability of Black people across our nation.


This Week's 🔥Topics

Bruce Lindsey We hope that you are proud of what we have accomplished together

Carly: Why I accepted

Kim: Thank you!

Team Trump Pence: Learn more about the creation of the Make America Great Again hat,

Will: Our fight doesn’t stop here.

Jennifer: help us make history in Mississippi

CI: Republicans take over America, Dems pushed west


Cory: promise of opportunity.

Hi! My name is Caroline Pla, and I love football. -- I need your help - the Archdiocese, saying girls aren't allowed.